ミュージアム ナイトサロン 規約




◆規約を守って頂けない場合や相応しくないと思われた場合は 御遠慮を願っております。

 健全良識あるゲスト様のために 当サロンもセレブ標準でのご協力をお願いしております。

◆携帯電話、録音機、カメラ等は無断使用は禁止。 貴重品は自己管理をお願いいたします。


◆連絡先の交換、駐車場のお車・・・などトラブルに つきましては責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。

◆双方同意のない交流は厳禁です。 備品を破損させた場合は費用請求致します。



Museum night salon regulation.
◆Your planning event is understandable and same destination as our policy.
◆Foods and drinks are allowed.
◆For commercial purpose, drug user, gang, tattoo, smoker, bad person of speak ・・・
  those person are banned entry.
◆We would say no to customer who don’t keep regulation or look unappreciated our saloon.
◆Please call or e-mail to us in advance. We call or e-mail back.
 Please show your ID card with photo or insurance card. If not you are not allowed.
 Our salon is celebrity oriented so we hope nice and sensible customer.
◆Cell phone, video recorder, camera are banned without permission. Valuables are self-management.
◆No smoking. Many art works are exhibited.
◆We wouldn’t be responsible for accident in parking, exchanging number・・・
◆The couple who don’t not agree with each other for swap(our society) is banned.
 In case break our equipment compensate them.
◆Our salon is not restaurant, hotel, adult entertainment shop. Sexual service is not provided,
◆We welcome nice and sensible customer who is clean and mentally and physically well.