The museum of the life and the sex in Ikaho
Have a baby

膣の中が酸性だと女の子、 アルカリ性の膣に射精で男の子

Someone say baby boy is better or baby girl is better, however that doesn’t matter they are healthy.
Why don’t you try sex selection.  You can select sex of baby with the rate of 70〜80%.
In case of the acid in the vagina, baby girl, in case of the alkaline baby boy is expected when ejaculated in it.


貴女はどんな出産になるの? 先生によく聞いてから出産に臨んでね
先生が生むのではなく 貴女が生むのですから。
How do you imagine your own childbirth. You consult with doctor well and you would prepare your childbirth.
The doctor doesn’t have childbirth but you do have childbirth.

たとえば 貴女が今度の日曜日に出産になりそうだったとする、
しかし 出産に立ち会う先生がゴルフコンペだったとする。
貴女が先生だったらどうします? 何か理由をつけて金曜日に帝王切開しましょう・・・ 
Some doctor whose Caesarean section is 1% but another doctor’s one is 30%, so you would have better select doctor.
For instance, you will have childbirth this Sunday. But your doctor is scheduled to go golf.  
If you are doctor what will you do? You would operate Caesarean section on Friday by some reason. 
Such things is likely to happen on the world.



You do have childbirth. You study our museum with pleasure and you consider and decide whether
this hospital is good or bad and whether change hospital or not. We hope you have a good baby.




そこで オランダのファン・スウィーテン という名医に相談したところ 「ワンワン スタイルで おやり遊ばせ」
というものだった。マリア・テレジアがそれを実行したところ、のちの ヨゼフ2世をはじめ、

Secrecy of Marie Antoinette.
In 18 century Germany Empress Maria Theresia 19 years old married Franz Joseph T 
but they didn’t have baby for long time. In those day’s well-known Dutch doctor Gerard van Swieten was asked
why he advised “Why don’t you play sex doggy style?”.  
Maria Theresia practiced that sex style and she had Franz JosephUand eventually 16 children including him.
Among them there is Marie Antoinette who is famous for Takarazuka Revue “The Rose of Versailles”

◆ 人生がわかるのは逆境の時よ。ココ・シャネル(デザイナー) ◆
It's a time of adversity that you can understand life.